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Mission And History 


"Becket's mission is to help "hard to treat" and "difficult to place" clients reach their full potential by providing an array of adult, youth, and family services to those most in need."

Becket is a proud supporter of the Building Bridges Initiative (“BBI”) and is guided by the Joint Resolution to Advance a Statement of Shared Core Principles. As an important stakeholder in the system of care, we seek to “advance partnerships amongst residential and community based service providers and the individuals and families we serve."

The BBI’s emphasizes the need for comprehensive models of care capable of addressing complex and variable needs.  Becket programs have been characterized as holistic and comprehensive since the original Becket program was established in 1964 by Marine Sergeant John J. Wolter Ed.D.  Dr. Wolter sought to develop the “mind, body and soul” of adolescents who were struggling in traditional schools with the goal of helping them find a “zest for life" and succeed in the “business of life.” 

Inspired by Dr. Wolter’s pragmatic and comprehensive vision, Becket has evolved under a second generation of leadership spearheaded by his son, Jay T. Wolter.  Jay has developed and supported an array of new programs and services that reflect our holistic founding vision.  Today Becket serves both youth and adults in a variety of settings, with a focus on serving individuals in the least restrictive environment possible.  Becket is known for its leadership in implementing evidence based and trauma focused, as well as its willingness to serve individuals with complex mental health conditions and significant behavioral challenges.

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